Tournament Payout & Players Packs Gift Cards!

Lucky Disc Golf wants to help with your tournament!

We are offering up to 20% discount on gift cards for players packs and amateur payouts!  Instead of giving discs or products that people may not want, you can give discounted gift cards and let them choose their own stuff!

If you use them for player’s packs, you have the option to give them before the tournament so they can get their player pack item(s) before the tournament!  This option is quickly becoming very popular.  You will love it not only because it's easy, but because it encourages preregistration!  What TD doesn’t want players to preregister?  Also, the players pack gift certificates can be combined with payout gift certificates to purchase more expensive items such as backpacks, carts, or baskets.

All you need to do is fill out the Tournament Reconciliation Worksheet and return it to us with payment and we'll send gift cards to the players on your list.  You can use it for players packs before the tournament, the complete a final one once the tournament is complete if you are doing payouts.

Whether you use us for player’s packs, payouts, or both, we make the process very simple! 

One other thing, if you buy tournament discs and have any left over after your event, we may be interested in buying them from you.  Just shoot us an email at