So you're new to Disc Golf?

You've come to the right place! 

 We at Lucky Disc Golf are here to help you learn about and enjoy Disc Golf.

    Getting into Disc Golf is Easy and Fun!

    • What you really need to start is, a disc and a place to throw. 
    • Count the number of throws to get into the basket - the lower the better. 

    Now is the Perfect time to play Disc Golf!  It's fun to get outside and a great place to meet friends, old and new.  The cost to play is surprisingly low!  No green fees*, you don't need a golf cart, to schedule a tee time or $5000 of clubs.

    If it feels like the economy is crushing you, go outside and enjoy throwing a few discs.  Nothing but open sky & a FUN community. Come on, get out NOW and start your throwing today!


    Family Fun Disc Golf


    How should I throw? 

    • However feels best to you to start is how you should throw. 
    • Each style (type) of throw has it's benefit's and downsides.
    • Although there are many styles (types), there are two basic throws in Disc Golf. The two primary styles are the backhand throw and the forehand throw. Something we will cover later are the specialty styles of throws like putting and overhand throws. 

                   Right Hand - Backhand                           Left Hand - Forehand

    Backhand and Forehand Throw            

    (video or diagram of throwing or both (different type of learners) link to more words of how too.)


      What should I throw?   

      Good question.

      • Any disc can work.
      • You can start with just a putter or mid-range or driver.
      • Some people like to buy starter packs that have all a putter, mid-range, and driver.  


      We have 4 great choices to get started:

      A. Our hand selected Premium Starter Kit (the discs our experienced crew wish they had started with).

      Starter Kit A at $35

      B. Manufactures like Innova have some Beginner kits 

      Starter Kit B1 at $30  - 

      Starter Kit B2 $20

      C. From our extensive collection of Used Discs we found 3 great disc to start your game on a budget.  These are top quality discs that have had a previous owner. 

      Starter Kit C at $23


        Starter Set

        Where can I play?

        • Any park with or without disc golf baskets!
        • There are so many different course around the world! More than likely, you can find a course near where you live or even where you are traveling too!
        • Finding a course to play is easy! Try searching on your phone or check out

        Family Park Course

        When can you play the sport?

        • Disc Golf is normally played sunrise to sunset but can also be played at night!   (explain simply)



        Night Disc Golf


        How do I get a Tee time?

        • Tee times are not needed at your local public park.
        • Only courses that are "pay to play" sometimes require a tee time.

        Tee Time Course

        How much does it cost to play?

        • Cost can range but all you need to start is a disc to play with.
        • Disc Golf can be very inexpensive to start!
        • Public courses at parks are free to play on!

                                           Cost to Play

        Can I play with my friends or family?  How many can play?

        Family and Friends Disc Golf Group
        • Absolutely! We encourage you to play with family and friends! Plus you will meet many new disc golf friends in your local community!
        • You can play by yourself or with as many people as you like.
        • If another group behind your group catches up to you, simply allowed them to play through and continue your fun on the course!


         Should I have more than 1 disc?  Why?

        • To start, one disc is just fine.
        • We recommend not having too many disc to start with in order to learn the basic throws and techniques.
        • Then you can start the fun of building your very own bag!

             Lucky Disc Golf        



        Bags (explain more photos



        Disc Golf Bag     


        As you go along there will be more and more questions and we will be here to help you!

        Here to HelpHelp



         Want to learn more CLICK HERE! 


        Want to learn EVEN MORE!